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April 25, 2024   IPRCC
Global Solicitation on Best Poverty Reduction Practices (Fifth Call)

Poverty Reduction; Rural Development; Case Study; China

I. Background

The Global Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth Portal (GPIG) (http://south.iprcc.org.cn) is a knowledge sharing platform for international poverty reduction information and poverty reduction and development experience of China. GPIG specializes in providing information of policy research, country profiles and news on poverty reduction and inclusive growth to governments, institutions and groups that focus on the cause of poverty reduction. Initiated by the World Bank (WB) and supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), GPIG is co-hosted by the International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC) and the China Internet Information Center (CIIC).

In May 2017, GPIG launched its knowledge sharing database, the Global Poverty Reduction Online Knowledge Sharing Database (http://case.iprcc.org.cn/). The database enables the sharing of information concerning successful poverty reduction models and initiatives from both China and the international community. Designed for worldwide users, the database presents poverty reduction cases along with relevant research, studies, policies and laws.

In 2018, in order to promote the sharing of the successful poverty reduction experience of both China and the international community and to promote the building of a shared future without poverty and with common development, IPRCC, CIIC, WB, ADB, and the three Rome-based Agencies of the United Nations (RBAs)- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), World Food Programme (WFP) - jointly launched the "Global Solicitation and Challenge Prize on Best Poverty Reduction Practices." Until now, the project has carried out four sessions, receiving more than 2,700 cases studies and recognizing a total of 424 excellent cases from 67 countries and regions.

II. Objective

The activity aims to enrich and improve the content quality of the Global Poverty Reduction Online Knowledge Sharing Database, make better use of best poverty reduction case studies as carriers of practical experiences, and promote South-South Cooperation in the area of poverty alleviation through knowledge sharing and innovative partnerships.

Building on the past four rounds of solicitations, the seven authoritative organizations launched the Global Solicitation on Best Poverty Reduction Practices (Fifth Call). The hosting organizations will jointly review these cases to select the best ones. All the selected case studies will be rewritten and translated according to international custom and standards. About 100 best case studies are expected to be selected in 2024, and will be shared and promoted around the world.

III. Hosted by:

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

China Internet Information Center (CIIC)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC)

World Bank (WB)

World Food Programme (WFP)

IV. Campaign Runtime: November, 2023 to April 10, 2024

V. Participants: Worldwide organizations and individuals involved in poverty reduction

VI. Content Requirement

Participating case studies have to represent successful stories relevant specifically to poverty reduction and rural development. Writing quality is essential, in order to build understandable, clear and concise cases. The connection between the implemented strategy/policy and its effect on poverty and how it promotes rural development must be clear-cut. The case studies should demonstrate applicability in the wider context, such as in similar geographies or economies.

(Please refer to the annexes for the writing standards.)

VII. Language Requirements

Case studies can be submitted either in English or Chinese, with about 2,000 words each case. English abstract is needed for each Chinese case study.

VIII. Copyright Requirements

① Participating case studies must respect the social and cultural norms of the communities in which they were implemented as well as obey local laws.

② Applicants have to be the original author of the submitted case studies and hold the independent, complete and uncontroversial copyright of the case study.

③ Individual and organizational authors of selected case studies must share their copyright of the case study with GPIG. GPIG has the usage right of the case study, can edit and modify the case study according to its writing standards, and upload it to the database for readers to view and download for free. Moreover, GPIG has the right to use the case studies in non-profit promotional activities for free. Names of Individual and organizational authors will be published along with respective case studies.

IX. Submission of Case Studies and Application Form (Annex 2)

E-mail to gpig@iprcc.org.cn (including your case study and application form)

X. Certificates:

The campaign will choose about 100 original and outstanding poverty reduction case studies.

Each winner will receive a certificate issued by the hosting organizations.

The organizers will also invite some authors of the case study to participate in relevant international forums and exchange activities.


1. Writing Standards of Global Solicitation on Best Poverty Reduction Practices (Fifth Call)

2. Application Form of the Global Solicitation on Best Poverty Reduction Practices (Fifth Call)

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

China Internet Information Center (CIIC)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC)

World Bank (WB)

World Food Programme (WFP)

November, 2023